

Project Management

Project Management

We are a company offering project management services. Our specialists know how to optimize the work on your product in order to make it perfect.

Even the work of the most professional developers must be coordinated, and project managers are in charge of doing this. If you are looking for a person to handle the workflow on your product, you have come to the right place – Sloboda studio provides project management services as well as development ones.

The responsibilities of this team member are:

Initiating the project

If you want your project to be successful, it is essential that you understand the business needs of the client and the end customers. Project manager is a person who analyzes the business model and offers technical solutions for it

Providing risk management

During 8 years we worked with different types of projects and saw a lot of mistakes that could be done while developing the product. We’re going to foresee and prevent them


Project manager coordinates team efforts in achieving the goal in the shortest time with the highest quality

Crisis management

If something goes wrong, we stick to the constructive approach, make fast and effective decisions

Controlling the progress

We’re making sure that the project meets the deadlines and expectations

Being the single contact point

In case of any issues the client has one responsible person who gathers all information and assigns the task to the right person

Planning resources and development schedule

Time costs money. We have experience that allows us to make estimations, plan process in order to avoid delays, arrange specialists with the necessary skills, arrange experts for consultancy

Reporting status

Transparency – is one of the values of Sloboda studio. Communication is built in a way to present clearly actual state of the project in the most convenient way from text reports to live demos


n our work we use Agile practices, which help to provide early delivery, easy adjustment to changing requirements and continuous improvement of the product based on given feedback


Framework that breaks a bulk project into sprints. Each sprint brings a feeling of tangible progress. It is specially useful when a full detailed description of a project and designs/wireframe are available

Why Scrum?

It is a visible and transparent methodology that lowers costs, and increases team’s accountability, which facilitates monitoring of workflow. It also helps run the project smoothly by making tasks easier and enhancing the project’s workflow


Agile approach to software development that gives great flexibility. It is useful when the project requirements and priorities change often and when fixed timeframes are unsustainable

Why Kanban?

Kanban is easy to understand and enhances flow of delivery, shortens the time cycles of each process

To ensure business project goals achievement, it’s crucial to provide project management solutions and technology. That’s where a management and technology provider with project experience and a reputation for excellence comes in. Look for a provider that offers project support for business and understands systems management, new technology, data security, project security, and leadership, as well as business customized services. By providing the best project management skills, they can help with your new or ongoing business project, give the necessary management support, and project security, and optimize performance to achieve project goals.